about us
Working package

WP1: Project management and quality control

1.1 Establishment of project management structures
1.2 Project meetings
1.3 Day-to-day management of the project
1.4 Periodic and final reports to EACEA
1.5 Establishment of Quality Assurance Board
1.6 Development and implementation of Internal Quality Control and Monitoring Plan
1.7 External quality control and evaluation
1.8 Impact Analysis

WP2: Establishing of alumni engagement institutional framework

2.1 Review of alumni engagement models and policies at the EU HEIs – EU best practices
2.2 Review of the alumni engagement status in Montenegrin/Kosovo⃰ HEIs
2.3 Development of Alumni Strategies for Montenegrin and Kosovo HEIs
2.4 Assessment and adaptation of existing institutional policies in Montenegrin and Kosovo HEIs aiming to formalize the alumni integration in university structure and teaching
2.5 Development of Alumni Strategy supporting documents – alumni membership and governance criteria for HEI Alumni Association and HEI unit Alumni Clubs
2.6 Gathering and management of alumni data (alumni survey + procuring/installing the alumni management software)
2.7 Setting the alumni operational structure – Alumni Clubs at University units, Alumni Association at University central level, University Alumni and Diaspora
Advisory Committee
2.8 Development of the University-Alumni Communication and Action Plan for each WB HEI

WP3: Alumni engagement in teaching & learning and research

3.1 Integration of Alumni in teaching process in each of the WB HEIs
3.2 Integration of Alumni in curricula modernization/development in each WB HEI
3.3 Instituting HEI’s Research Chair and establishing Alumni Scholarships Club at each WB HEI
3.4 Instituting Alumni Mentoring process at each WB HEI

WP4: Matching alumni and students for better employability

4.1 Integration and cooperation of Career Centre activities with Alumni Association
4.2 Instituting Alumni Student Recruitment and Matching programs
4.3 Events for students’ professional development with the Alumni support at each WB HEI
4.4 Raising students’ entrepreneurial awareness and improving their entrepreneurial skills at each WB HEI

WP5: Dissemination and exploitation of project results and branding of university-alumni relations

5.1 Development and implementation of dissemination and exploitation plans
5.2 Development and updating of the project’s web-site and social media accounts
5.3 Dissemination of products and materials
5.4 Dissemination and exploitation events
5.5 Creating and fostering lifelong university-alumni relations through organization of specific theme-oriented events
5.6 Creating Alumni Association web-page at each WB HEI. Designing and establishing e-University Magazine, to enhance communications of university with alumni.


D1.1 Partnership agreements M3
D1.2 Project Handbook M4
D1.3 QA and Monitoring Plan M4
D1.4 First report on internal quality control M14, 
D1.5 Second report on internal quality control M26
D1.6 Third report on internal quality control  M36
D1.7 Impact Analysis M36

D2.1 Reports on EU HEIs alumni engagement models and policies M5
D2.2 Reports on Montenegrin and Kosovo alumni engagement status M5
D2.3 Alumni Strategies and supporting documents for Montenegrin and Kosovo HEIs M12
D2.4 Alumni management software installed, which contains also a database of the alumni M12/M18
D2.5 University-Alumni Communication Plan for each WB HEI M18

D3.1 Adapted teaching materials and courses catalogues M32

D4.1 Action plan for integration and cooperation of Career Centre and Alumni Association M12
D4.2 Reports on events dedicated to development of students’ skills and Entrepreneurial awareness, to matching students with alumni and to enhancing the opportunities for their recruitment and employability M33

D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation plan M5
D5.2 Project web-site and social media accounts M5
D5.3 Semi-annual newsletter M6, M12, M18, M24, M30, M36
D5.4 Alumni Association web-page at each HEI M12/M18
D5.5 Semi-annual e- Magazine at each WB HEI M18, M24, M30, M36
