Al4Life meeting in Bologna


Al4Life study training and Consortium Meeting dedicated to WP2 State of the Art - WP2 – Establishing of alumni engagement institutional framework and Consortium Meeting held at University of Bologna on 9th and 10th November in Bologna Italy. The aim of the meeting was to present overall Report on EU HEI Alumni strategies and practices by University of Bologna but also Analyses of the Current State of  Alumni Cooperation by WB HEIs partners in the project. Furthermore, the training and meeting was a significant step in the ongoing efforts to enhance alumni cooperation and develop a robust alumni strategy Western Balkans partners, showcasing partners commitment to advancing educational practices and alumni engagement.

The workshop kicked off with a warm welcome and institutional greeting from the University of Bologna representatives, featuring insightful reports and comparative views on alumni organization priorities and models from various European universities, including KU Leuven, the University of Helsinki, and the University of Leiden.

WB HEIs partners delivered an analysis of the current state of alumni cooperation, informing the participants of the institution’s experiences and challenges in this domain.

During the meetings Al4Life partners discussed the upcoming EU partners’ visits to Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in relation to alumni strategy development. This was followed by workgroup sessions where international experts lent their support in discussing topics relevant to the alumni’s strategic aspects of the WB partners.

The rest of the workshop covered presentations on AL4LIFE Year 1 and Year 2 tasks, deliverables, achievements, and ongoing activities. These sessions provided a comprehensive overview of the project’s progress and set clear expectations for the upcoming year.

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Al4Life meeting in Bologna