EU HEI Partners Engage in Collaborative Visit to University of Pristina (UPKM) and International Business College – Mitrovica


This visit marked a pivotal moment in fostering collaboration and assessing the progress of the Al4Life Erasmus+ project, particularly focusing on establishing robust alumni engagement frameworks.

At the University of Pristina (UPKM), guests from European universities were greeted with presentations showcasing the institution's strides in alumni infrastructure development. The newly formed institutional framework for cooperation with alumni, the dedicated alumni section on the university's website, and an innovative electronic platform facilitating connection and collaboration were highlighted. Engaging discussions ensued, with EU partners actively contributing insights and offering invaluable recommendations for fostering specific cooperation between the university and its alumni base. The consensus among EU partners was clear: the alumni infrastructure at the University of Pristina stands as a solid foundation, brimming with potential for alumni involvement in university activities.

Meanwhile, at the International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M), EU HEIs from the University of Bologna and the University of Ljubljana were warmly welcomed as part of the Al4Life project's Work Package 2. Led by IBC-M's rector, Prof. Mihone Kerolli, the visit commenced with an introduction to the college's history, objectives, and long-term aspirations. Prof. Kerolli expressed gratitude to the EU partners for their support in shaping the future Alumni office at IBC-M, emphasizing the significance of cross-border collaboration in nurturing a vibrant academic community.

During a comprehensive campus tour led by Professor Agron Hajdari, the Al4Life project coordinator, EU partners gained insight into the college's infrastructure, including classrooms, laboratories, and the prospective Alumni office. This forthcoming hub will serve as a nexus for former students to reconnect, collaborate, and contribute to the college's ongoing evolution.

Prof. Hajdari elucidated the Alumni Strategy, elucidating its focus on long-term engagement, networking, and support for both alumni and the institution, with a particular emphasis on engaging the diaspora community. The ensuing Q&A and discussion session facilitated fruitful exchanges between IBC-M staff and EU partners, enriching the Al4Life project's implementation with diverse perspectives and collaborative spirit.

The visit epitomized a shared commitment to academic excellence and collaboration, underscoring the significance of partnerships in advancing higher education. As IBC-M continues its journey with the Al4Life project, this visit will be remembered as a significant stride towards establishing a robust framework for alumni engagement and nurturing a dynamic academic community.

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EU HEI Partners Engage in Collaborative Visit to University of Mitrovica (UPKM) and International Business College – Mitrovica