UDG students found MEDOŽUČ: An alumni club for new opportunities and successful careers


Students of the University of Donja Gorica (UDG) are founding the Alumni Society "MEDOŽUČ", which will bring together graduated students of all levels of study - undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral. This society aims to connect UDG graduate students and promote values ​​that are the basis for a successful career and social responsibility.


The main purpose of this society is to provide alumni with various opportunities for interaction and cooperation, including meetings, discussions, lectures, research, gaining practical experience, sports activities, company visits and joint projects.


"MEDOŽUČ" will not be just a classic alumni club, but a society that strives to promote values ​​such as responsibility, mutual support, and contribution to the community. The idea is for UDG alumni to connect with current students and help them develop and prepare for successful careers. Also, the society will work on strengthening the network between members from different generations and study programs, in order to support mutual cooperation and exchange of experiences.


Membership in the Alumni Society "MEDOŽUČ" is open to all students who obtained a diploma at UDG, and applications will be possible through the online pristupnice application form.


The first gathering of members of the "MEDOŽUČ" Alumni Society were organized onDecember 9th, 2023 at the University of Donja Gorica, during which a cocktail party were held as well.


The founding of the Alumni Association "MEDOŽUČ" marks a new phase in the development of the University of Donja Gorica, which will enable a better connection of graduates as well as support for current students and the promotion of values ​​that will contribute to the development of society and the community.